Curry $Curry Tokenomics
Token Allocation
Total/Max Supply : 150,000 $Curry Tokens
Whitelist Presale : 60.43% (90,650)
Liquidity : 34.45% (51,671)
Airdrop Marketing/Giveaways: 5.12% (7,679)
5% Buy/Sell Tax: Marketing/Development/CEX Listings + Rev-Share-Staking
Zero Transaction Fees!
Rev-Share-Staking: A portion of taxes allocated into creating new rewards pools for $Curry stakers!
Rev-Share-Staking Partnership Program: Poll contest where communities will vote on which project will receive a $1000 Investment + new limited staking pool for $Curry Holders.
The Curry Treasury: 0x9d81325bB5760c0149BAEA5A21Aa6B2C85920381
Last updated